AlMaaqal University holds a symposium to read the first amendment to the Law of the Federal Supreme Court.

جامعة المعقل>Uncategorized > AlMaaqal University holds a symposium to read the first amendment to the Law of the Federal Supreme Court.

The college of Law at AlMaaqal University holed a symposium to read Law No. 25 of 2021, the first amendment to the Law of the Federal Supreme Court, delivered by Mr. Dhar Hamid Radi, a lecturer at the College of Law, on Monday, 06/28/2021.

The symposium discussed three axes. The first axis addressed a historical view of the constitutional space in Iraq, and the second axis dealt with the procedural aspect of the legislation and then entering into the substantive aspect of legislation.

The aim of holding the symposium was to examine the extent to which the provisions of the texts of legislation conform to the provisions of the provisions of the Iraqi constitution in force, in addition to introducing university students to the constitution and the Iraqi laws in force.

It is worth mentioning that during the second half of this year, the university held many workshops and seminars in various fields such as medicine, law and engineering, in both Arabic and English. This is part of its program to develop the staff and students to serve the community in all areas of life.