"Image Encryption using a Binary Search Tree Structure-Based Key", Vol. 10, No. 2,...
The impact of the quality assurance system on improving the performance of employees in Iraqi higher education institutions: An exploratory study for academic and administrative bodiesThe impact of the quality assurance system on...
الاساس القانوني لعقد النقل البحري للبضائعالاساس القانوني لعقد النقل البحري للبضائع بقلم المدرس المساعد مروان منصور نعيم زايد...
The Impact of University Leadership and the UniversityOrganizational Environment on the Performance of staff: A CaseStudy at Al Maaqal University (Private...
Strategic Organizing and Workforces Performance of Iraqi Oil Companiesللاطلاع على البحث انقر...
Synthesis and characterization of AZO-Benzothiazole compounds and study the effect of lateralsubstituents on their liquid crystalline properties supported by the theoretical...
فاعلية استراتيجية العصف الذهني وفق نظرية التعلم المستند الى الدماغ في تنمية التفكير التأملي لدى طلبة المرحلة الجامعية...
Wound Healing Metabolites from Peters’ Elephant-Nose Fish Oil: An InVivo Investigation Supported by In Vitro and In Silico StudiesEfficacy of Ceftazidime and Cefepime in the Management ofCOVID-19 Patients: Single Center Report...
م.د ياسر عبدالله عباسم.د ياسر عبدالله عباسم.د ياسر عبدالله...